Beitostølen Hytter & Camping is a 4-star campsite. We offer great opportunities for caravan, campers and tents. The distance to the reception and the sanitary facilities is short. At Beitostølen there are many restaurants, including one at the campsite. Winter camping is also possible, as there are many activities in Beitostølen during winter time. We are open every day of the year. Beitostølen are located at the foot of Jotunheimen, here you will find great opportunities for hiking, cycling, fishing, cross-country skiing and alpine skiing.

Hytter & Camping
BOOKING + 47 48 10 70 54

Åpent hele året!
for bestilling
+47 48107054

har et attraktivt miljø for helårscamping.

åpen hele året
Det er mange fine teltplasser

Camping prices
Winter Season 01.09 - 31.05
Per day: NOK 395.-
NOK 12650,- + electricity
Easter: NOK 2500,- ( With pre-orders only).
from Wednesday to Monday on Easter Sunday. (5 nights).
Prices include tax.
Summer Season 01.06 - 31.08
Daily price: NOK 395.-
NOK 6200,- + Electricity.
the concert of Sting and Trollrock prices + NOK 150,- pr/pers. pr/day. (at least 2 days)
Tent pitch: NOK 200,-
Tent pitch with motorcycle: NOK 260.-
Tent pitch with car: NOK 310,-
Prices include tax.