Cabin w / 3 beds: Bunk bed sleeps 3 people, 2 downstairs and 1 upstairs, which is at the end of the living room. Kitchen with oven and bath w / shower.
Orders PricesHytter til 3 pers.
+47 48 10 70 54
Direkte bestilling tlf. 48107054
På en liten hytte er løsninger med god plassutnyttelse essensielt.
Direkte bestilling tlf. 48107054
Skiløype rett utenfor døren
ski turen begynner her på Beitostølen
Cabin w / 3 beds: Bunk bed sleeps 3 people, 2 downstairs and 1 upstairs, which is at the end of the living room. Kitchen with oven and bath w / shower.
Orders Prices